Posts Tagged ‘bird products’
Member Spotlight – Karen Burns
WBFI Member Spotlight – Karen Burns Karen Burns, Vice President of Operations at Cosmed Group and Board Member of WBFI, has been with WBFI since the 1980s when annual meetings were held in Kansas City, MO. At the time, meetings were held in conjunction with the Western Seedsmen, and Karen was one of the…
Read More2023 Feeder Bird of the Year Champion – Rufous Hummingbird
2023 Feeder Bird of the Year – Rufous Hummingbird The bird-feeding community has spoken, and the Rufous Hummingbird is your 2023 Feeder Bird of the Year! Here’s what you should know about the 2023 champion. Firstly, let’s talk about the Rufous Hummingbird’s eating habits. These tiny birds are known for their voracious appetites, consuming…
Read MoreThe Results are in! Huge Success for the Great Backyard Bird Count
GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT CAMPAIGN HAS RECORD-BREAKING PARTICIPATION The results are in from the 2023 Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC)- and the global engagement was astounding! During this four-day event, over half a million people from nearly every corner of the world battled the winter blues to interact with birds and nature. WBFI was thrilled…
Read MoreFebruary 17-20, 2023: Backyard Bird Count
Everything You Need for the Backyard Bird Count – February 17-20, 2023 Are you passionate about birds and birdwatching, or are you just looking for a fun, family-friendly way to get outside during the winter months? Then the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is for you! The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Birds Canada, and the…
Read MoreImportance of Helping our Flying Friends in WinterÂ
Importance of Helping our Flying Friends in Winter Getting outside and interacting with birds can be very beneficial for the mind, body, and soul. Spending time with birds can improve general well-being and long-term physical and mental health. The benefits of being outside include mitigated symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduced risk of heart disease,…
Q4 PIC REPORT The Fourth Quarter Pulse of the Industry Report is ready to view in the member info hub. We compiled the results from the member survey to help create a more accurate picture of what is going on in the wild bird feeding industry. One of the biggest challenges to our businesses is…
Read MoreThe Wildest Event of the Year
The 2022 WBFI Annual Meeting Chalk up yet another successful event for the Wild Bird Feeding Insitute. This time, they flocked to Clearwater Beach, FL for the 2022 Wild Bird Feeding Institute Annual Meeting. Thanks to some incredible sponsors and a lot of hard work, this was the most-attended event since 2019 and arguably one…
Read MoreMake Your Yard a Winter Destination with Suet Cakes
Make Your Yard a Winter Destination with Suet Cakes In a recent interview with Tamara Browning at Radiant Life magazine, our very own Executive Director, Emma Bennett, provided some insight on how to keep your feathered friends happy this winter with suet cakes.   “It is not necessarily required to feed birds suet for their survival,…
Read MoreState of the Birds 2022
The State of the Birds 2022 The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s State of the Birds has been released and reveals widespread losses of birds in all habitats. However, we can reverse this trend with new efforts in conservation that benefit not only birds but also wildlife and people everywhere.  “The trends for our nation’s birds…
Read MoreNo Sign of Bird Products Cooling Down
No Sign of Bird Products Cooling Down The pandemic forced people everywhere to spend tremendous amounts of time confined to their homes, and with that came a huge surge in backyard hobbies. Birding is one of the top-growing hobbies in the US, according to Pet Business. “Wild Bird feeding is a top 10 hobby and…
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