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Introducing Feeder Bird of the Year's Feathered Feud Showdown!

Welcome to Feathered Feud Showdown, where we find out which bird species will take home the title of the most popular backyard bird of the year! It’s a fun, interactive game where YOU get to vote for your favorite birds from four unique families. The bird with the most votes will win, and we’ll crown it as Feeder Bird of the Year!

Where to Play

This game is being played across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn! Make sure to follow us on all these platforms to catch every round and vote for your favorite bird.


How to Play:

Step 1: Understand the Bird Families

There are four bird families you’ll be voting on:
  1. Sparrows
  2. Finches
  3. Woodpeckers
  4. Blackbirds
Each family has a set of bird species known for their unique traits, from vibrant colors to charming songs, and even their distinct behaviors!

Step 2: How the Voting Works

Each round will ask you to pick your favorite bird within a family based on its most notable traits. Think about which bird stands out the most to you in terms of:
  • Appearance
  • Song
  • Behavior
  • Vibrancy
  • Charm
Here’s how the rounds will work:
  1. Sparrows – Vote for your favorite sparrow based on its charm and appearance.
  2. Finches – Vote for the finch that catches your eye with its colors or songs.
  3. Woodpeckers – Vote for the woodpecker whose drumming and behavior stand out.
  4. Blackbirds – Vote for the blackbird that has the most striking personality or presence.
For each round, a Family Feud-style question will ask you to pick your favorite bird species from that family. Simply comment your choice under the post to cast your vote.

Step 3: How to Vote

To cast your vote, follow these steps:
  1. Look at the question and the bird options presented.
  2. Choose your favorite bird from the list based on what stands out most to you (whether it's their vibrant color, their song, or their behavior).
  3. Comment below with the bird species you’re voting for. For example, you might say:
    • “I vote for Red-winged Blackbird!”
    • “I’m all about the American Goldfinch!”
Note: You can only vote once per bird family

Step 4: Tallying the Votes

After all rounds are over, we’ll tally the votes for each bird species. The bird with the most votes in each family will be considered the family winner.

The Grand Result

At the end of the game, the bird with the most overall votes will earn the title of Feeder Bird of the Year!

Why Participate?

  • Learn about different birds and what makes each species unique!
  • Have fun voting for your favorite birds based on their traits.
  • Get involved in the bird community by showing your love for these feathered friends!
  • See which bird takes the top spot as the most popular bird of the year!

Let’s Get Voting!

Now it’s time to vote for your favorite bird species in each family. The bird with the most votes will be crowned the Feeder Bird of the Year!
So, which bird will win YOUR vote?