WBFI Spring Meeting Success

WBFI packed as much as they could into two short days for the Spring Meeting! There is something about in-person meetings, especially when most communication is online, that does the soul (organization) good.
The event started on Monday, April 24th with a Next BIG Committee Meeting followed by a Board of Directors Dinner at Gates Grille which is the Cheyenne Mountain Resort Golf Course Clubhouse. The board had a delicious meal and great conversation amongst the beautiful contrast of snow-capped mountains and well-kept greens.
Tuesday started with the Q2 Board of Directors Meeting. The meeting commenced with some productive business, updates, discussions and decisions and ended with some insightful presenters. Susan Bonfield, Executive Director at Environments for the Americas, joined the group to discuss conservation and research efforts for hummingbirds.
Alison Kondler, Denver Audubon Master Birder, naturalist, and content creator, came to present "Birding by Ear" to the Board of Directors. This was also open to the public and was attended by around 30 people.
The Wild Birds Unlimited Store of Colorado Springs opened its doors to the group and allowed perusing of the adorable shop and lots of networking. Thanks to generous donations from WBFI members, Agritel, Gold Crest Distributing, Wild Birds Unlimited, and Sweet Seeds, an assembly line was created and the WBFI crew got to work building bird feeding kits to donate to the local Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado (RMHCSC).

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver." - Maya Angelou
Delivering the bird feeding kits to RMHCSC was such a heart warming experience. The staff gave a tour of their gorgeous facility designed to be accessible for all individuals. Every detail in the facility was planned with the needs of their critically-ill childen and families in mind. “Wild bird feeding has so many benefits,” Emma Bennett, Executive Director of WBFI said. “Studies have shown that birds help lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Interacting with birds is a natural remedy and we believe the visitors at the Ronald McDonald House will find comfort in the birds who will visit the feeders.”
Remember to share the love of bird feeding and birdwatching wherever you go- it just might change a life. To learn more about how we can impact our flying friends in return, visit https://www.wbfi.org/feedthebirds/.